Permanent tattoos are acceptable for passport purposes as well. You can wear jewelry and keep on your facial piercings as long as they do not hide your face.While offering other photo styles, this free passport photo maker is all about saving money. Compatible with 50+ countries, the toolsets up the requirement panel according to the selected country. You cannot wear headphones or wireless hands-free devices. 123PassportPhoto is another impressive option in passport size photo editor tools.Your full face must be visible and your hat or head covering cannot cast shadows or cover up part of your face.If you wear a hat or head covering for medical purposes, submit a signed doctor's statement verifying the hat or head covering in your photo is used daily for medical purposes.

Make sure the camera is at the same level as the head. It is important that the shoulders are visible, and there should be enough space around the head to crop the picture. Taken in clothing normally worn on a daily basis. Face the camera straight on and look straight at it.If you cannot remove your glasses for medical reasons, please include a signed note from your doctor with application.